4 May 2020
The 2019 Work-Learn Project participants were: Yahaira Brito Morfe, Merel Drop, Kid Feng, Ayumi Rosa Filippone, April Geoffrey, Eren Kalpoe, Merlijn Mollinga, Ban Tawfiq, Jemimah Vaughan, Aqueene Wilson.
These ten participants worked for six months on a new identity and the development of MELLY with the goal to present a proposal for the 21-24 cultural policy.
During these six months, the participants followed 2 workshops/masterclasses each month to prepare and develop their knowledge of culture and policy. The workshops/masterclasses were given by: Florian Cramer, Odair Pereira, Stijn Kemper (2018 WLP participant), Mitchell Esajas, Kees Weeda, Teana Boston–Mammah, JanPier Brands, Silvana Sodde, Avril Hensen, and Mohamed Chajid, Stijn Kemper, & Eva Langstraat (2018 WLP Participants).
Video and edit: Robert-Jonathan Koeyers & Nohely Koeyers (Half&Half pictures)