Our institutional renaming from Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art to Kunstinstituut Melly came into effect on 27 January 2021. This website provides details of our years-long Name Change Initiative.
- You can read here about the processes and reasons for our renaming and name selection.
- Included here is a timeline dating from 2017 to date, which lists key events and actions pertaining the initiative at large.
- A series of progress reports, as well as press releases and select materials related to the initiative are published here.
- Answers to frequently asked questions are available here.
- As a reference, we have left intact the program listing in the Participate section of this website, here. This pertained the 2020 public-input phase of our renaming process.
Our Name Change Initiative involves more than solely renaming our institution. It has also entailed an ongoing diversification of the team and the creation of a new, freely accessible programming space, with an embedded collective learning methodology, among other actions.
- You can find information about our institution and program here: kunstinstituutmelly.nl
- The website listing activities from our foundation in 1990 to 2020 is this: fkawdw.nl
This said, our institutional commitment to work towards a more inclusive society is ongoing and has no end date. We invite you to participate in this ongoing transformation.